Monday, December 3, 2012


Some days, back when, I remember you and my friends
They were yours too.

We drank and sang
We waltzed down hallways
We skipped down the streets at night
We ran past churches and smoked the same cigar

No one saw us
But we were out
We strolled across the bridge
And stared at the train tracks below




They never caught us.

We smoked our first spliff in a box car
And didn't inhale all the way
But still felt something

We laid out in the summer sun
Soaked in the guitar strings

Sitting on a blanket out side
Puffing on a hookah pipe without regard
Talking about nothing and laughing the whole time

Finding secret rooms
Disco ball lights
Taking pictures
And inviting our closest friends

Drank diet coke and rum
Vodka and soda

No responsibility
Movies and TV

That one time
That one year
Or two...

What happened?

Fortune Cookie This

"Perceived failure is oftentimes success trying to be born in a bigger way."

Yellow Thumb Prints

Something I wrote one fall afternoon ...

Yellow Thumb Prints

Oh look at you
Up there in the air
Black limbs stretched out right
Like witches straggled hands

Yellow thumb prints you possess
At your finger tip ends
Holding on to their identity
Before their inevitable fall

Yet what beauty and what grace
Is apparent in their leaving
Soft and levitated decent
Eventually to the ground clinging

Oh how everything must have a place!
A landing point
A safe haven
And how it leaves a trace
Of it's interconnection
between each stage

I think I am a thumb print now
Falling slowly toward the ground
My limbs outstretched and open wide
The wind gusting at all sides
It has taken me
for a ride
and taken my identity

No longer am I way up high
A part of me has slowly died
But someday, again, I will see the sky.

Nov. 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Beware, as things are about to get heavy.

I am hijacking this blog and starting to write again. The moment is fresh, the day--Election Day. I write because I feel as if the significant moments in my life are some way, somehow, converging right now.

I don't know WHY, but they simply a r e. High school memories from ALP, college roommates and memories, friends and family engagements, parties and outings, college visits and mentor-ships, major projects and events, relationships and future possibilities...

For some odd reason, they are all converging at this moment. Unscathed, without remorse, without shame, just pure fluidity and I cannot deny it.

It feels peaceful and exciting at the same time. Almost as if my youth is bursting out in front of me as a film, image by image....... AM I dying?

NO. NO, not at all, I am living... reliving. A beautiful portion of my life that I cannot let go of, no matter how hard I try. The beautiful pieces are coming out of the woodwork and presenting themselves in my mind. A loom of patterns. Intricate details. Beautiful scenery that only the imagination can contrive in happiness and bliss. Don't Forget! I tell myself. Do not forget.

There are so many people in this world. So many....

Why do we ignore this? Why??

Don't ignore it, because you simply can't afford to in the ultimate scheme of things.

Every person, every living thing, every atom has an impact. Don't underestimate anyone. And that is something I have lived and continue to live, my whole life.

With Love,
Yours T.